A mustache was the point of departure of a story that became a global movement, which works for men’s health and prevention of the illness that has afflicted them. Regarding November, Mundo Unico joins “Movember”, a worldwide movement focused on raising consciousness about men’s health issues such as: prostate cancer, testicular cancer or mental illnesses. HOW EVERYTHING STARTED In 2003, Travis Garone and Adam Garone, two brothers that used to meet in a bar to drink some beers in Melbourne, Australia. They were talking about the mustache style and how men didn’t wear it anymore. Halfway through the conversation, they agreed on letting their mustache grow during that month: November. However, they decided to take this peculiar challenge one step further and frame it in a humanitarian cause to support men, especially those who suffered prostate or testicular cancer. To do so, they sent an email inviting men to join their cause. At first, thirty men answered and from that moment on, a movement came to life. It has raised around €500 million and it has supported more than 1000 men’s illnesses research programs. A movement they called: Movember. From Moustache and November. They are Travis Garone and Adam Garone, the founders of this initiative that has amazed thousands of men around the world – Photograph: Courtesy of Movember A WORLDWIDE WONDER Nowadays, Movember has garnered numerous followers around the world in countries like Canada, Spain, United States, France, Ireland, New Zealand, South Africa, among others. Furthermore, prominent figures of entertainment or sports, have joined this movement and apart from that, they have promoted the moustache during November also raising awareness about prostate cancer, testicular cancer or mental illnesses that affect men. Some important premises of the movement consider the support of those who are going through a treatment of these illnesses. These premises also consider making people conscious about the fact that men die six years earlier than women for reasons that are mostly avoidable. Moreover, set a massive team members and researchers around this cause. Some important figures like Sasha Mielczarek, The Bachelorette’s reality show star, took part in one of the latest Movermber’s campaign – Photograph: Courtesy of Movember. ALL MEN TOGETHER FOR A COMMON CAUSE Mundo Unico, for instance, joins this movement since the essence of our brand is linked to men’s health. Not for nothing the company is at the forefront of our pouch support development. The pouch support in Unico men’s underwear provides comfort, breathability and support on gentlemen’s privates, avoiding illnesses such as varicocele, hydrocele or spermatocele. Today, the pouch support is endorsed by urologists that recommend the use of the Mundo Unico men’s boxers due to their amazing benefits, but also as ideal postoperative garments since they help to speed up the recovery process. Mundo Unico joins this movement since the essence of the brand is linked to men’s health. Mundo Unico invites you to check out this movement and get soaked of knowledge. For more information, we kindly recommend you to visit the official web page of Movember: https://ex.movember.com/?home